Wednesday, November 5, 2008


INSOURCING is the movement from economic insecurity in external business structures to the building of security in internal capabilities. INSOURCING is the movement toward continued learning and competence building, engaged collaboration with others, and the excitement of new experience and economic viability, rather than the potential atrophy of knowledge assets and skills.

What is the imperative for INSOURCING? From the mid-90’s, business has become leaner, flexible, and faster. With generational shifts in the workforce and the erosion of the corporation in offering expectancies of lifetime careers, individuals have begun to turn “inward” to consolidate their assets, capabilities, and skill-sets.

They have learned to maximize personal return and to determine how and where these marketable assets are to be used. The often faulted “attitude” of Gen Y reflects that generation’s competence as the early adapters to this sea change! As market forces have demanded shifts in relatedness to business, Gen Y has responded through its normal course of generational development. On the other hand, this generation’s resourcefulness, determination, and public mindedness was recently demonstrated in the 2008 elections!

INSOURCING recognizes the millennial paradigm shift. The change redefines the professional in relation to how work gets done. Unfortunately, this shift has had a severe impact on mature workers. High benefit payouts and the relative cost efficiency of younger workers with more technological know-how, has occasioned a huge write-down of knowledge capital as mature workers are downsized. And there are few onramps back.

The shock is twofold. Economic dislocation is hard enough. But what else gets dislocated? One’s sense of hope, purpose, and competence. Even one’s sense of will. These are the compass points of a lifetime; and after a shock, they require recalibration.

Learning to see oneself in the world another way- a more productive way, given changes in the external world- is a task most of us cannot accomplish alone. While not becoming “like” Gen Y, we must become more like ourselves. And to like ourselves in the bargain!

INSOURCING requires a different approach to skills building than most of us are used to. Because it directly flows from one’s own solid sense of identity, and is affected by shifting states of self-regard, Insourcing Development requires not simply action, but heightened personal self-awareness. It maximizes one’s competencies and facilitates the recognition of one’s less developed traits. Insourcing Development requires a coaching perspective that shifts from “how to” (which assumes the stability of a corporate base) to “how to know”--- and cultivation of a continuous SWOT assessment of one’s personal life.

This reorientation is not only essential for economic survival under the changed paradigm, but also pragmatic for maintaining one’s knowledge competencies and assets in prime form. Competent and incremental consultation is the key: because the playing field is nothing less than a lifetime of professional experience!

The Accord Advisory Group offers consultation in Insourcing Development, customized to address its clients’ very specific life courses and goals.


Anonymous said...

Ian I think you are making a hugely important statement about where expertise, experience and value lie. Your timing is interesting also. From across the pond the Obama campaign looked intelligent, lean, clever and it seemed to draw on social and relationship capital like no other. But behind the structure there was a rhetoric that speaks to your point - about what we know, about finding ways to connect with and articulate the very human experience which in its uniqueness and privacy is ultimately a force for transformation and change. I'm looking forward to more of your thoughts on how this initiative is working in practice - keep us posted?

Ian Miller said...

Your comment about social and relationship capital coordinated by competent leadership and management is right on target. The deployment of resources and integration of so many volunteers' "toolkits" of personal strength, yoked through clarity of purpose, passion, and solidarity is an organizational delight to behold!